Hallowed Gate


  • The location: Gate #4.
  • The Issue: the open gate that was being used by the adversary as a spirit of oppression added burden to the residents for the harassment of City Name.
  • The Date of the Assignment: 25MAR17.
  • The New Name of the Gate: Hallowed Gate
  • The Purpose of the Gate: The soul ties were severed between the city and the organizations as, in the spirit realm, a “Jesus” banner covered over the signs and welcome.



You have forgotten that Yahweh, your Maker, stretched out the skies and laid earth’s firm foundation. But you live each day constantly worrying, living in fear of your angry oppressor who is bent on your destruction. But their fury cannot touch you!

Isaiah 51:13 KJV  (read all Isaiah 51)





Bad Toes – 08MAR17  

Prophetic Meeting – Valley Gate – 23MAR17

Meeting Agenda for 25MAR17 – 24MAR17

Valley Gate Recap – 25MAR17




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